Dr. M. Shafiq-Ur Rahman Professor, Department of Urban & Regional Planning
Dr. Shafiq received PhD in Transportation from University of Leeds, UK. He has Master of Transport Management (MTM) from the University of Sydney (Australia) and MSc in Regional Development & Management from the TU Dortmund (Germany and University of the Philippines. Dr Shafiq has professional experience of teaching, research and consultency in the area of urban planning and transport planning for 20 years in many countries including Australia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Germany, Poland, UK.
Transport planning and management
Urban public transport
Transport in developing countries
Regional development management
Rahman, M. S. U. and Timms, P., Pre-determined fare structure for rickshaws when integrating with BRT systems, Case Studies on Transport Policy, 8, 1, pp.236-244, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cstp.2019.03.006Pramanik, M. A. and Rahman, M. S. U. , Operational characteristics of paratransit in medium-sized city: a case study on E-rickshaws in Rangpur City, Bangladesh, Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planers (JBIP), 12, pp.45-62, 2019.
Rahman, M. S. U. and Shah, N. A., Analysis of school trips in Dhaka city: a case study on primary school students, Plan Plus , 8, pp.61-76, 2018.
Rahman, M. S. U.; Timms, P. and Montgomery, F., Suggestions for integration of cycle-rickshaws with public transport: a case study in Dhaka city, Jahangirnagar Planning Review, 15, pp.51-72, 2017.
Rahman, M. S. U. , Using cell phones while driving in highways of Bangladesh and safety problems: a case study on Dhaka-Aricha highway, The Jahangirnagar Review Part II: Social Science, 37, pp.21-33, 2016.
Nahrin, K. and Rahman, M. S. U., Transport accessibility of housing: perspectives of house rental and tenants‘ housing choice, Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners, 8, pp.73-83, 2015.
Rahman, M. S. U.; Timms, P. and Montgomery, F. , Integrating BRT systems with rickshaws in developing cities to promote energy efficient travel , Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , 54, pp.261-274, 2012.
Rahman, M. S. U. and Nahrin, K., Bus services in Dhaka city – users’ experiences and opinions, Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners (JBIP), 5, pp.93-105, 2012.
Rahman, M. S. U. and Shams, L., Bicycle hire scheme (BHS): is it possible to implement in Dhaka City?, 13th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) "Redesigning Transport & Logistics for the Rise of Asia", 12, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2019.Rahman, M. S. U., Ali, S. B. and Islam, T. M. , App-based motorcycle ridesharing services in Dhaka City: female users’ opinions and perception. , Easte13th International Conference of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) "Redesigning Transport & Logistics for the Rise of Asia" , 12, Colombo, Sri Lanka,
Rahman, M. S. U. and Shaha, N. A., Mobility constraints of children in Bangladesh: a study on travel to school in Dhaka city. , CODATU XVII (Cooperation for Urban Mobility in the Developing World) Conference "Intelligent, Inclusive & Sustainable Mobility", Hyderabad, India, 2017.
Rahman, M. S. U.; Timms, P. and Montgomery, F., Suggestions for integration of cycle-rickshaws with public transport in Dhaka city, 13th World Congress on Transport Research (WCTR), Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 2013.
Rahman, M. S. U.; Timms, P. and Montgomery, F., Using three-dimensional (3-D) physical models to improve public participation in transport planning: case study on integrating BRT systems with rickshaws in Dhaka city, CODATU XV (Cooperation for Urban Mobility in the Developing World) Conference "the role of urban mobility in (re)shaping cities", Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2012.
Rahman, M. S. U., Timms, P. and Montgomery, F., Integrating BRT systems with rickshaws in developing cities to promote energy efficient travel, 15th Euro Working Group on Transportation (EWGT), Paris, France, 2012. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.745
Rahman, M. S. U., Users’ needs and expectations about integrating NMT with BRT systems: the case of Dhaka city, Bangladesh, 18th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference (ISDRC), Hull, UK, 2012.
Rahman, M. S. U., Improved public transport to curb car use and fuel consumption in Asian cities: a research framework for integrating rickshaw usage with bus rapid transit (BRT), European council for energy efficient economy (eceee) Summer Study ‘Energy efficiency first: The foundation of a low-carbon society’, Hyers, France, 2011.
Rahman, M. S. U., Balancing the share of NMT in road space allocation: integrating rickshaws with BRT systems in Dhaka city, Bangladesh, 24th World Road Congress (PIARC), Mexico City, Mexico, 2011.
Rahman, M. S. U., Special bus service for women in Dhaka city, Bangladesh, 12th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.
Rahman, M. S. U., Fuel consumption of transport sector: how the people of Dhaka city will be moving in the future?, European council for an energy efficient economy (eceee) Summer Study ‘Act! Innovate! Deliver! Reducing energy demand sustainably’, pp.1409-1415, Toulun, France, 2009.
Rahman, M. S. U., Sustainable transport in the era of global warming: what needed for Dhaka city?, International Symposium and Workshop on Sustainable Transport for Developing Countries ‘Sustainable Transport for Developing Countries: Concerns, Issues and Options’, pp.161-166, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008.
Rahman, M. S. U.; Nahrin, K. and Shumi, S., Why absence of bicycling in Dhaka city? Measures and policies to promote it, 23rd World Road Congress (PIARC) ‘The Choice for Sustainable Development’, Paris, France, 2007. doi: https://trid.trb.org/view/840110
Rahman, M. S. U., Road accidents in Dhaka, Bangladesh: how to provide safer road? , Road Safety on Four Continents (RS4C) 14th International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 2007.
Rahman, M. S. U., Can BRT solve the transport crisis in Dhaka city?, European council for an energy efficient economy (eceee) Summer Study ‘Saving Energy- Just Do It’, pp.1635-1646, Paris, France, 2007.
Rahman, M. S. U., Determining appropriate public transport system given the level of development/urbanisation: the case of Siquijor Province, Philippines, 11th World Congress of Transport Research (WCTR) Conference, Berkeley CA, USA, 2007.
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
MURP | Research Seminar | MURP Semester 1 |
URP 3201 | Transport Planning | 3rd Year 2nd Semester |
Academic Info
Period: 2013
PhD in Transportation from University of Leeds, UK.
Period: 2006
University of Sydney, Australia.
Period: 2004
SPRING Centre, University of Dortmund- Germany and University of the Philippines jointly.
Period: 1999
Khulna University
Position: Professor
Period: Jan 2017 - to date
Teaching Transport Planning in both postgraduate and undergraduate levels, supervising student research, conducting research and providing consultancy services.
Position: Associate Professor
Period: Nov 2009 - Jan 2017
Teaching Transport Planning and Research Colloquium in postgraduate level; teaching Presentation Technique, Research Methodology and Transport Planning modules in undergraduate level; supervising student projects; conducting research.
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: Oct 2006 - Nov 2009
Teaching undergraduate modules (Transport Planning, Research Methods, Human Settlement, Land Use Planning, Development Economics, Local Government & Governance), conducting research, and supervising student projects.
Position: Lecturer
Period: Aug 2001 - Oct 2006
Teaching undergraduate modules (Regional Planning, Land Use Planning, Engineering Survey, Project Management, Urban Planning), evaluating student reports, conducting research and supervising students.
Position: Lecturer
Period: Dec 2000 - Aug 2001
Teaching several modules (e.g. Urban Planning, GIS, SPSS, Engineering SUrvey) at undergraduate level, supervising student project and conducting research.
Position: Research Assistant
Period: Feb 2000 - Dec 2000
Providing technical support for need assessment of slum dwelleres and identifying the suitable locations for service provision. Responsible for conducting field data collection and preparing spatial maps analysing the data using GIS.
Dr. M. Shafiq-Ur Rahman
Department of Urban & Regional Planning
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: (+88) 01711 398754
Email: shafiq_urp@juniv.edu
, shafiq_urp@yahoo.com