Dr Sheikh Tawhidul Islam has been working for more than 20 years in different fields of the environment, ranging from hydro-meteorological processes and landform morphology to natural resources, which gave him the opportunity to read and understand these aspects meticulously. He combines science and social science tools and methods like GIS, remote sensing techniques and statistical methods as quantitative techniques; uses theories like political ecology, common property resource management, and PRA, FGD as qualitative tools to examine environmental, disaster, and climate change impact situations. He used multi-sensor spaceborne image data to detect historical forest cover change in the central parts of Bangladesh while undertaking his Ph.D. research at Durham University (2002-2006) in the United Kingdom. Wide-ranging field experience, national-level contributions, experience working with government and international agencies are the pillars upon which Dr. Islam’s professional strength, integrity and skills are relied.
Google Scholar | Research Gate | ORCID | Website
Editorial Involvement
1. Guest Editor, Indian Journal of Spatial Science, published by Indian Society of Spatial Scientists.
2. Guest Editor, International Energy Journal, Bangabandhu Chair Special Issue. Published by Asian Institute of Technology (AIT, Thailand). Volume 20, and Volume 21.
3. Editor of the book published by Springer Nature, Singapore ( ) with Dr Indrajit Pal (AIT, Thailand), Dr Sreevalsa Kolathayar (NIT, India), Dr Iftekhar Ahmed (University of New Castle, Australia). The book's title is ‘Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development – Volume 2 – Disaster Risk Science and Technology.’
4. Registered member of the Indonesian Journal of Geography panel of reviewers.
5. Advisory Board Member of the climate change program of CCDB, where I work with nationally and internationally renowned experts on climate change.
Membership with other Society
- Life Member: BNGA
- Member:
- Programme Coordination Committee, ICDDRB,B
- Advisory Body, Climate Change Program, Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh
- Co-Chairman, Climate Action Resources Network - Asia Pacific
Completed Research Projects
Science and Technology Ministry Research Grant of 2021-2022: An assessment of the causes and consequences of landslides (2017) took place in South-eastern parts of Bangladesh. Amount TK 250000/- BDT.
Science and Technology Ministry Research Grant of 2021-2022; Urban Heat Island Effect and Building Density: A Geospatial Inquiry on Rangpur City Corporation. Amount TK 250000/-
Remote Sensing, Climate Change, Disaster Management, EIA, Environmental Degradation etc.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Syed Hafizur Rahman, Mir A. Matin, Aniruddha Dey, Byomkesh Talukder, Nandini Sanyal, Md. Asadujjaman and Kamruzzaman Akand, State of the World's Rivers, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 49, 2024. doi: Tawhidul Islam, Md Hiru Miah, Al Jubaer, Krishna Prosad Mondal, Md Munir Mahmud, An Assessment of the Causes and Consequences of Landslides (2017) Occurred in the Southeastern Areas of Bangladesh, Journal of Science and Technology Research, 5, 1, pp.119-134, Dhaka, 2023. doi:
Sugat B Bajracharya, Amina Maharjan, Nidhi Singh, Nandini Sanyal, Vishal Singh and Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Do perception factors affect adaptation behaviours against air pollution among vulnerable occupation groups? evidence from chittagong and dehradun, Environmental Research Communications, 2024. doi: 10.1088/2515-7620/ad2874
Md. Jakir Hossain, Md. Munir Mahmud, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Monitoring spatiotemporal changes of urban surface water based on satellite imagery and Google Earth Engine platform in Dhaka City from 1990 to 2021, Bulletin of the National Research Centre, 37, Springer Nature, 2023. doi:
Byomkesh Talukder , Reza Salim , Sheikh Tawhidul Islam , Krishna Prosad Mondal, Keith W. Hipel , Gary W. vanLoon , James Orbinski, Collective intelligence for addressing community planetary health resulting from salinity prompted by sea level rise, The Journal of Climate Change and Health, 10, 2023. doi:
Amrit Melissa Dencer-Brown, Robyn Shilland, Daniel Friess, Dorothée Herr, Lisa Benson, Nicholas J. Berry, Miguel Cifuentes-Jara, Patrick Colas, Ellyn Damayanti, Elisa López García, Marina Gavaldão, Gabriel Grimsditch, Adam P. Hejnowicz, Jennifer Howard, S, Integrating blue: How do we make nationally determined contributions work for both blue carbon and local coastal communities?, Ambio, 51, pp.1978–1993, 2022. doi:
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Md. Kamruzzaman Akand, Md. Nurul Islam, Soumic Samad, Faiyad H. Rishal, Systems thinking approach for disaster resilient and climate smart agriculture in Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 13, 3, pp.286-303, 2022. doi:
Aniruddha Dey, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Biplabketan Paul, Swarnabha Bandyopadhyay, Piu Sengupta, Nandini Sanyal, Krishna Prosad Mondal, Al Jubaer, Rangeet Mitra, Waterlogging mitigation and safe water supply: lessons learnt from low-lying areas of Basirhat municipality, India, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 3, 3, pp.386-403, 2022. doi:
Sakib Rahman Siddique Shuvo, Md. Nurul Islam, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Role of information and communication technologies in Build Back Better to post disaster recovery practices: insights from Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment, 13, 2, pp.233-247, 2022. doi:
Joyashree Roy, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Indrajit Pal, Hasan Mahmud, White Paper Top Ten Priorities: in Implementation of Low Carbon Sustainable Energy Development and Adaptation Framework to Reduce Disaster Impact in the Context of Bangladesh, International Energy Journal (Bangabandhu Chair Special Issue), 21, 1A, pp.143 – 145, 2021.
Joyashree Roy, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Indrajit Pal, Implementation Framework for Sustainable Development: What Matters in the Context of Bangladesh, International Energy Journal (Bangabandhu Chair Special Issue), 2, pp.1-8, 2021.
Joyashree Roy, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Indrajit Pal, White Paper on Energy, Disaster, Climate Change: Sustainability and Just Transitions in Bangladesh, International Energy Journal (Bangabandhu Chair Special Issue), 20, 3A, pp.579-580, 2020.
Syed Hafizur Rahman Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Tapas Ranjan Chakraborty, Road to Effective Introduction of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Bangladesh: A Case Study from a Project Intervention, Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Research, 11, pp.67-79, 2020.
Syed Hafizur Rahman, BMR Faisal, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, A Critical Review on Water Governance Gaps in Bangladesh, Sub Journal of Sustainable Environment and Development, pp.40, 2019.
Syed Hafizur Rahman, BM Refat Faisal, Sheik Tawhidul Islam, Evaluation of NCTB Textbooks (Class III-Class XII) in the context of Disaster Management, NAEM Journal, 9, 18, Ministry of Education, 2014.
SH Rahman, Z Ferdous, ST Islam, Vulnerability and impact assessment to climate change and ecosystem based adaptation in a drought prone area of Bangladesh applying DPSIR framework, Jahangirnagar University Environmental Bulletin, 3, 2, pp.69-82, Dhaka, 2014.
Sayan Chakrabarty, Tawhidul Islam, Financial viability and eco-efficiency of the solar home systems (SHS) in Bangladesh, Energy, 36, 8, pp.4821-4827, 2011. doi:
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Indigenous people, NGOs and the politics of alternative development discourse in Bangladesh, Dhaka University Journal of Development Studies, 1, pp.79-89, Dhaka, 2010.
Md Mahfuzul Islam, Md Wahiduzzaman, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, State of Life and Livelihoods in the Haor: A Case Study on Ashtagram Upazila, Kishoregonj, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Development Studies, 1, 1, pp.39-48, Dhaka, 2010.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Definition dilemma in forest management: Assessing the impacts of differential management approaches on forest ecosystems in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Environmental Research, 7, Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, 2009.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Thinking Beyond Kyoto Protocol: Proposing a win-win Solution to Combat Climate Change, The Jahangirnagar Review, 32, 2, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, 2009.
Tawhidul Islam , Peter Atkins, Indigenous floating cultivation: a sustainable agricultural practice in the wetlands of Bangladesh, Development in Practice, 17, 1, pp.130-136, 2007. doi:
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Deforestation in Bangladesh: Language and power in action, Narrative Inquiry, 17, 1, pp.141 - 156, 2007. doi:
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Deforestation in Bangladesh, Geography Review, 22, 4, Philip Allan (UK), 2007.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Nature and characteristics of hydroponic cultivation in Nesarabad Thana, Pirojpur District, Journal of The Bangladesh National Geographical Association, 29, Dhaka, 2003.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Noise pollution in Dhaka city: a case study of Ramna Thana, Journal of The Bangladesh National Geographical Association, 21-26, Dhaka, 2000.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, The common property resources of Bangladesh: its use, abuse and potentials, Jahangirnagar Review, 23-24, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, 2000.
M. Islam, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Riverbank erosion in Bangladesh revisited, Journal of The Bangladesh National Geographical Association, 27-28, 2000.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Spatial data quality and need for a metadata system in Bangladesh,, Jahangirnagar Review, 23-24, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, 2000.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, The socio-economic status of shrimp farmers of Rampal Thana, Bagerhat District, Bangladesh, Bhugol Patrika, 17, Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University, 1999.
Krishna Prosad Mondal, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Nandini Sanyal, Sakib Rahman Siddique Shuvo, Munir Mahmud, Dibakar Chakraborty, Md Hiru Miah, Al Jubaer, Engaging Youth in Flood Risk Management: A Citizen Science Geospatial Initiative in Bangladesh, 3rd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development 2023, pp.170, Bangkok, Thailand, 2023.Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, DNM Donoghue, An evaluation of Quickbird data for assessing woodland resource in deciduous Sal Forests in Bangladesh, Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Conference, UK, 2004.
Tawhidul Islam, Ananta Neelim, Climate change in Bangladesh : a closer look into temperature and rainfall data, University Press, Bangladesh, 2010.EDITED BOOK
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam and Alak Paul, Geography in Bangladesh: Concepts, Methods and Applications, Taylor & Francis, 2019/4/10, pp.300, 2019.This book provides an overview of the emergence of geography as a discipline in Bangladesh and the contributions made by local geographers towards the country's development. It explores problems associated with population growth and poverty, landlessness and food security, land use and natural resource management, urbanism, climate change, disaster management and human health.
Dibakar Chakraborty , Krishna Prosad Mondal , Al Jubaer , Sheikh Tawhidul Islamb, Byomkesh Talukder, Health impacts of rapid-onset event: 2022 flash flood in Bangladesh, Living With Climate Change, 1, pp.199-212, Elsevier Inc., 2023. doi:, K.N., Mahmud, M.M. & Islam, S.T., Cyclone Amphan's Fury and COVID-19: A Multi-Disaster Geospatial Analysis of Flood-Induced Damage and Vulnerability, COVID-19 Social Science Perspectives, pp.159-190, Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, 2023.
Indrajit Pal, Sreevalsa Kolathayar, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Iftekhar Ahmed & Ganni Satya Venkata Sai Aditya Bharadwaz, Disaster Risk Science and Technology: Addressing Cross-Cutting Challenges, 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development, 294, Thailand, 2022. doi:
Faiyad H. Rishal, Khondaker Mohammod Shariful Huda, Md. Nurul Islam & Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Post-disaster Recovery for Building Resilience: Bangladesh Perspective, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, 283, pp.187–198, 2022. doi:
Nandini Sanyal, Indrajit Pal, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Chapter 30 - Knowledge gaps and operational challenges in managing COVID-19 in Bangladesh: postpandemic strategies in multi-disaster contexts, Pandemic Risk, Response, and Resilience, Elsevier, pp.471-483, 2022. doi:
Mir A. Matin, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Geospatial Applications in the HKH Region: Country Needs and Priorities, Earth Observation Science and Applications for Risk Reduction and Enhanced Resilience in Hindu Kush Himalaya Region, Springer, pp.41-57, 2021. doi:
Dibakar Chakraborty, Krishna Prosad Mondal, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Joyashree Roy, Chapter 26 - 2017 flash flood in Bangladesh: Lessons learnt, Disaster Resilience and Sustainability, pp.591-610, 2021. doi:
Alak Paul, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Local trends, the current state and the future of geography, Geography in Bangladesh: Concepts, Methods and Applications, pp.254-259, Taylor & Francis, UK, 2019.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Alak Paul, Geography in Bangladesh: Niche of the discipline in the context of global change, Geography in Bangladesh: Concepts, Methods and Applications, pp.1-7, Taylor & Francis, UK, 2019.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Climate change crisis in Bangladesh, Geography in Bangladesh: Concepts, Methods and Applications, pp.146-163, Taylor & Francis, UK, 2019.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Alak Paul, Geography in Bangladesh, Geography in Bangladesh: Concepts, Methods and Applications, Taylor & Francis, UK, 2019.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, An Account on Disaster Impacts in Bangladesh, People at Risk: Disaster and Despair, pp.45-70, Department of Geography and Environment, Dhaka University, Dhaka, 2019.
Alak Paul, Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Shifting Research Paradigm and Future of Geography in Bangladesh, Environment and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh: Geographical Perspectives, pp.285-296, Department of Geography and Environment, Dhaka University, Dhaka, 2018.
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Disaster Impacts and Management in Bangladesh: Progress Made and Way Forward, Disaster Management in Bangladesh, Disaster Research Training and Management Centre, Department. of Geography and Environment, University of Dhaka, 2017.
Mark O’Donnell, A. K. M. Mamunur Rashid, Paul Steele, Merylyn Hedger, Joyce Lee, K. M. Nabiul Islam, Tawhidul Islam, Rezai Karim Khondker, Siddiqur Rahman, Dipak Kumar Sarkar & Narayan Chandra Sinha, Bangladesh climate public expenditure and institutional review, Climate Change Adaptation Actions in Bangladesh. Disaster Risk Reduction, pp.365-385, Springer, Tokyo, 2013. doi:
Tawhidul Islam, M. Aminur Rahman, Fuad Mallick, Chapter 2 Impacts of climate change induced hazards and adaptation processes in Bangladesh: an overview, Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: An Asian Perspective, 5, pp.19-36, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, 2010. doi:
Sheikh Tawhidul Islam, Putting local government in bottom-up planning: Role of information technology in rural development in Bangladesh, Local Governance and Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh, Asia Pacific Research Centre (APRC), Kobe Gakuin University, Japan, 2007.
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
IRS-501 | Principles of Remote Sensing | First Semester |
IRS-506 | Survey Techniques / Field Measurements using Geoinformatics (Lab) | First Semester |
IRS -510 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems (Lab) | Second Semester |
Academic Info
Period: October 2002 - August 2006
Ph.D. titled ‘Resource assessment of deciduous sal forests in Bangladesh’.
Position: Professor
Period: December 2012 to March 2021
Position: Learning and Development Specialist (LDS)
Period: August 2013 to August 2014
Position: Associate Professor
Period: December 2007 to December 2012
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: May 2002 to October 2007
Position: Lecturer
Period: December 1998 to May 2002
Position: GIS and Remote Sensing Analyst
Period: January 1997 to November 1998
Position: Research Assistant
Period: May 1996 to December 1996
Position: Senior Research Fellow, Disaster Management and Climate Change Analytics in South Asia
Period: 23/09/2023-Present
Position: Member, Programme Coordination Committee
Period: 2023-Present
Position: Co-Chairman
Period: 2023
Position: Life Member
Position: Member
Dr. Sheikh Tawhidul Islam
Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801745566021
Work Phone: 2263/JU Extension