Dr. Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin Professor, Department of Marketing
Dr. Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin is an Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing at Jahangirnager University. In addition, Dr. Tuhin was Assistant Professor of Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. Prior to that, he was a Lecturer at Jahangirnager University and Comilla University, Bangladesh. Before starting his academic career, Dr. Tuhin worked as an Executive of Marketing and Sales at IDLC Finance Limited, the leading non-bank financial institution of the country.
Dr. Tuhin has more than 10 years’ experience in the field of teaching as well as training, workshops, and research. His key research interest is in branding, consumer-brand relationships, Halal marketing, tourism, and supply chain. He has been supervising a number of thesis students at the master and M.Phill level. Currently, Dr. Tuhin is the chief editor of Jahangirnagar University Journal of Marketing.
Consumer Brand Relationship, Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Branding
Miraz, M. H., Hye, A. M., Alkurtehe, M. K. A. M., Alsabahi, M. A., Alam, M. M., Wahab, M. K., & Habib, M. (2020)., Blockchain Securities to Construct Inclusive, Digital Economy Globally. change, International Supply Chain Technology Journal , 6, 1,Miraz, M. H., Hye, A. M., Alkurtehe, M. K. A. M., Alsabahi, M. A., Alam, M. M., Wahab, M. K., & Habib, M. (2020). Blockchain Securities to Construct Inclusive, Digital Economy Globally, International Supply Chain Technology Journal 6(1).
Miraz, M. H., Hye, A. M., Wahab, M. K., Alkurtehe, K. A. M., Majumder, M. I., Habib, M. M., ... & Alam, M. M. (2020), Electronics Product Promotion and SCM, Contemporary Research on Bangladesh. International Supply Chain Technology Journal, 6(01, International Supply Chain Technology Journal , 6, 1, 2020.Miraz, M. H., Hye, A. M., Wahab, M. K., Alkurtehe, K. A. M., Majumder, M. I., Habib, M. M., ... & Alam, M. M. (2020). Electronics Product Promotion and SCM, Contemporary Research on Bangladesh. International Supply Chain Technology Journal, 6(01).
Tuhin, M. K. W. (2019), Consumer Brand Hate and Anti-Brand Actions, Jahangirnagar Journal of Marketing, 7, 1, pp.15-26, 2019.Tuhin, M. K. W. (2019) Consumer Brand Hate and Anti-Brand Actions, Jahangirnagar Journal of Marketing, 7(1), 15-26.
Tuhin, M. K. W. (2019), Dark Side of Consumer Behavior: Brand Hate and Anti-Brand Actions, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 8(1), 43-54., Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 8, 1, pp.43-54, 2019.Tuhin, M. K. W. (2019) Dark Side of Consumer Behavior: Brand Hate and Anti-Brand Actions, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 8(1), 43-54.
Evolution of Consumer Brand Relationship Research,Ghani, N. H. A., & Tuhin, K. W. (2018). Evolution of Consumer Brand Relationship Research. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 17(1), 1-9.
Consumer Brand Relationships: Overcoming its Conceptual Challenges and Development of Propositions,Ghani, N.H.A. & Tuhin, M.K.W. (2018), Consumer Brand Relationships: Overcoming its Conceptual Challenges and Development of Propositions. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 7(3) 79-86.
Strengthening Brand Loyalty: The Role of Brand Personality and Consumer Involvement,Tuhin, M. K. W. (2018) Strengthening Brand Loyalty: The Role of Brand Personality and Consumer Involvement, Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 7(1), 34-48.
Consumer Brand Relationships,Ghani, N.H.A. & Tuhin, M.K.W. (2016), Consumer Brand Relationships, International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(4), 950-957
Promotional Activities for Vaccines Market Development in Bangladesh: Advances So Far and Prospects Ahead,Nath, S. D., Acharjee, M. K., Tuhin, M. K. W., & Forhad, M. N. (2016). Promotional Activities for Vaccine’s Market Development in Bangladesh: Advances So Far and Prospects Ahead. International Journal of Business and Management, 11(3), 223-234
Measure of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Supermarkets in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Dhaka City,Amin, M.B., Tuhin, M. K. W., and Dey, S.K. (2015). Measure of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Supermarkets in Bangladesh: A Case Study of Dhaka City. Jahangirnagar Journal of Marketing. 3 (June), 25-34
Tourists Attitude towards Archaeological Tourism Sites of Bangladesh: A Study on Mainamati Boudhavihar Comilla,Tuhin, M. K. W., Zulkernine, S.M., Hasan, M., and Masud, M.A.U. (2014). Tourists’ Attitude towards Archaeological Tourism Sites of Bangladesh: A Study on Mainamati Boudhavihar Comilla. Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 4(1), 29-46
Nation Branding: Scope and Challenge for Branding Bangladesh,Tuhin, M. K. W., and Nath, S.D. (2014) “Nation Branding: Scope and Challenge for Branding Bangladesh”, Jahangirnagar Journal of Marketing, 2 (June), 47-58
An appraisal of tourism industry development in Bangladesh,Tuhin, M. K. W., & Majumder, M. T. H. (2011). An appraisal of tourism industry development in Bangladesh. European journal of business and management, 3(3), 287-297.
2nd International Conference on Business and Management,Tuhin,M.K.W., Miraz, M.M.H., Habib, M., Alam, M. M. (2019) "Alam"The Influence of Personal Norms on Consumers’ Halal Purchase BehavioConsumer Attitude as a Mediator, 2nd International Conference on Business and Management. Dhaka.
Problems of Archaeological Tourism in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Mainamati Boudhavihar,Tuhin, M.K.W. (2013) “Problems of Archaeological Tourism in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Mainamati Boudhavihar” the paper is presented at Faculty of Business Studies, Jahangirnagar University
Academic Info
Period: 2000-2004
BBA Major in Marketing
Period: 2004-2005
MBA Major in Marketing
Period: 2015-2018
Position: Associate Professor
Period: Since 23rd December, 2018 till date
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: Since 30th April, 2014 to 22 December , 2018
Position: Lecturer
Period: 13th March, 2012 to 29th April, 2014
Position: Lecturer
Period: 23rd March, 2009 to 12th March, 2012
Position: Executive Officer
Period: 1st October, 2007 to 22nd March, 2009
Dr. Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin
Department of Marketing
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Work Phone: 880-2-7791045-51
Email: kashedul@juniv.edu
, kashedul@gmail.com