Dr. MD REZAUL KARIM Professor, Department of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering
Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering was founded in 2010 under the faculty of Biological science. Since its establishment, the department has worked toward its core mission of contributing to promote original and creative research and fostering capable human resources. At the moment, the department is home to about 200 undergraduate and graduate students and 13 faculty members. The professors and lecturers of the Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering regularly pursue their PhD and postdoctoral degrees from prominent universities in many foreign countries, which benefits the department when they return.
The department has a tradition of providing practical education that encourage students to actively engage in original research, offering a distinctive take on "self-reliant learning". A wide range of skills and a creative spirit based on solid scientific knowledge are fostered by encouraging students to independently identify and address problems. Therefore, all students enrolled at the department are required to take liberal and general education courses offered by the other department of Jahangirnagar University regardless of their future field of specialization, an approach which promotes their development as healthy and intelligent citizens.
Since intellectual curiosity and inquisitiveness are the foundations of creativity, I hope that the department's longstanding legacy of "teaching through research" will help our students develop a high level expertise and turn them into the next generation of creative researchers. Currently, graduates of the department are employed by public and private universities in Bangladesh as well as universities in the United States, Australia, Japan, and Germany. Furthermore, a large number of them hold prominent positions as academics, scientists, doctors of sciences, state and public figures, and they all play a part in the advancement of biotechnology both domestically and internationally. With a strong focus on connecting the department's accomplishments from the last 14 years to the future, we will keep working continuously to create new intellectual value and develop outstanding human resources in order to benefit society.